Lovely, holliday. just doing what I want. So quilting. This is my walk through the garden uptill now. It looks like it is not straight but don't worry, it is straight. I pinned it on my bank to make a picture.
Dit is my-quiltgarden. Ik vind het leuk dat je mijn blog bezoekt en waardeer het zeer als je een berichtje achterlaat.
This is my-quiltgarden. It is nice of you to visit my blog. And I appreciate it if you'ld leave a message.
vrijdag 31 juli 2009
We hebben genoten van de hele dag. Een dagje moeder en dochter. Heerlijk.
Yesterday I went shopping with my 19 years old daughter in Den Bosch. I had some workshops Astrology there some years ago so I new the city a little bit. And when I ask my daughter to go to Den Bosch she didn't say no.....Of course we both forgot oer photocamera:-( but I took a picture at home of our shoppings. The little bags and the quiltbook are mine. The rest is her's. It was a wonderfull mother and daughter day.
zondag 26 juli 2009
Well maybe you think I put away my little quilt of Ellen. But my antique quilt took a lot of time. And...I didn't got along with my applications. So I unsew (is this the right term for it?) all my sewings but I didn't know how to do it better. So I went to the Log Cabin and there they advised me freesepaper. I heard about it but never used it and really it is wonderfull, so easy. And this is the result of my first application block.
woensdag 22 juli 2009
hoekblokken af
Het is toch echt heel leuk om te doen.
Dit is voor mij de eerste keer dat ik aan zo'n groot project mee doe. Met ongeveer 200 mensen over de wereld maken we deze quilt. Het is leuk om te zien wat ieder er van
maakt. Ik ga lekker in mijn eigen ritme. Mijn handen protesteren als ik te veel doe. En al met al ben ik blij met het resultaat tot nu toe. Ons Fleurtje is het er mee eens zo te zien.
The corner blocks are finished. It is realy nice to do. There are about 200 people all over the
world making the same quilt. For me it is the first time I'm joining such a big project. But it is nice to see all the results. I sew in my own rithem because my hands are protesting when I sew to much. I like the result of my block and our little dog Fleur likes it to.
dinsdag 14 juli 2009
Middenblok AQ
My centre block is ready. And I think not a day to soon because Guute gave us the next blocks. She thinks we have to work and there is no time for being lazy. Happely I have my holliday soon. Imagine I had nothing to do...!
vrijdag 10 juli 2009
Our little doves are gone. I didn't see them fly away but they are gone. The last 2 days they walked over the pergola trying to fly. It was loveley to see.
Antique quilt
The centre block is half way now. I sewed all by hand and I'm so glad not having pain in my back. Just calmley sewing the littles squares together. Now the other half because I think Guute is about ready to place the second part of the quilt on the internet.
zondag 5 juli 2009
Antique quilt
Friday I startet with the Antique quilt. I cut all the fabrics but I wasn't satisfied. So I left it for a day and then looked for some old left-overs (on the right sight of the picture) And now this is the result. Every square is cut and now I can start to sew.
vrijdag 3 juli 2009
Driehoekjes en vierkantjes
Wafels en koekjes
This is madness, baking waffles in this heat. My DH bakes while I iron the shirts. Tomorrow i'm meating my quiltsisters for the first time and I promised to take homemade waffles.
En omdat het ook over bakken gaat, mijn dochter had verleden week een project op school over suikervrij smullen. Zij wilde hiervoor koekjes bakken. Kokoskoekjes. Ze smaken goed maar het is lekkerder nog om een klein beetje suikervrije jam erop te smeren.
Het recept:
100 gr. boter
150 gram geraspte kokos
100 gram bloem
halve theelepel zout
2 eetlepels suikervrije jam
1 ei
evt. een beetje water
Boter met jam in een pannetje smelten. Meng de overige ingrediënten in een kom. Voeg de gesmolten boter toe en kneed het deeg tot een samenhangende bal. Leg bakpapier op een bakplaat. Maak koekjes van ongeveer 5 cm. doorsnede op de bakplaat. Bak ze in de oven op 175 graden in ongeveer 15 minuten gaar.
And my DD bakes sugerfree cookies for school.
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